24 Barber Ave Apartments
“An exciting project from Morson Group.”
The low-density context led us to think that we should work with the building as a series of interconnected volumes.
The aim of this strategy is to avoid a bulky volume and articulate the building in order to match with the adjoining properties. In this way the dark volumes are the main part of the building from which other small volumes emerge.
Balconies of the front and rear facades stand out of the main volume, reducing the scale to match with the facades and the scales of the adjoining houses. Similarly, on the sides our building is stepped to the boundary from 3m to 4,4m.
Awnings matching the widths of balconies and projecting bedroom bays, as well as, awnings above side windows also help to reduce the scale of the building.
16 apartments / basement carpark
DA Approved
Private developer
Project Leader
Sunny Mai / Ruben Hernandez / Peter Morson