Evans Street Apartments


If you were to walk down Evan St. today, the local neighbourhood character is best summarised by single storey, detached residences. This however is not an accurate depiction of the future character of Evan St. Currently, a few developments around are under construction, approved, or under review; all of which are six storey, residential flat buildings. With this in mind we made some critical design decisions to appropriately consider the future neighbourhood context. 

The built form & public domain are clearly defined as a row of canopy trees lining the site. To minimise visual & acoustic privacy issues, we located all of the private balcony areas to the North-West (Evan St) & South-East (Cemetery). This will provide a more desirable outlook and increase activation specifically to Evan St.

The proposal aims to cater for a diverse number of individuals & families looking to get into the housing market. Located within walking distance to the Nepean hospital and Penrith CBD, it provides good potential renting possibilities for owners. Similarly, the number of jobs & community facilities within Penrith (and the greater region) continues to increase, not to mention the work being done on the local environment; specifically at the Nepean River. Both Penrith & Kingwood train stations are in close proximity to the development, as well as local buses which frequently operate along the Northern Rd (150m walk).


Residential Flat Building / 30 Apartments / 2 levels of Basement Car parking

DA Approved 2020

Stemaa Pty Ltd

Concept / DA Design

Ruben Hernandez / Peter Morson